
⓪ Vlasta Kubušová and Miro Kral

crafting plastics! studio (Bratislava) transforms perishable materials into value-added products, by employing high and low technology. They define the entire material's cycle, from unrefined matter to final product until its decomposition in natural C02, water and nutrients. Vlasta Kubušová and Miroslav Kral combine their sustainable product design practice with innovative material science collaborations.

Together with scientists they are developing and optimizing materials, creating ecological alternatives to synthetic plastic. Their solutions are based on entirely biobased biopolymers, polymerized from starch and metabolized by microorganisms from sugar. They have co-created NUATAN®, a bioplastic material brand for value-added-products made from a new generation of bioplastics, made of 100% renewable raw resources and fully biodegradable.

At the occasion of Sorry we are Trying. Biomaterials in Practice, cp! studio presents their design furniture as part of the exhibition's scenography, as well as functional and aesthetic products in the concept shop section. Their most recent material studies linking waste wool fibers (WOOLA) with their bioplastic solutions by means of experimentation - will be on display for the first time, too.

The WOOLA project was financially supported by Slovak Art Council.

︎︎︎Visit cp! 
The designers on show represent a long term and holistic, yet step by step approach on innovating bio-cycles. Their work renegotiates the relationship of man, technology and nature and highlights the role of transdisciplinary collaborations.

The designers work within the potentials and limitations of a new (bio)material landscape and take it upon themselves to test, develop and explore applications. Some of the studios struggle with the performance of their organic materials, while others still have a (long) way to go in the process of scaling up their promising findings.

In order to gradually shift from the petroleum based production and waste systems, and bring about systemic change, they intervene at different stages of a globalised value chain

① Zuzana Gombošová

② Elissa Brunato 

③ Mogu

④ Aurelia Noudelman

⑥ Eugenia Morpurgo, Sophia Guggenberger

Youyang Song

⑧ Lukas Wegwerth
Verena Michels
①⓪ Vlasta Kubušová and Miro Kral

Projects: ① Designers ② References ③ Shop ④ Videos ⑤ Documentation ⑥ Program Archive  ⑧ Exhibition Sound ︎︎︎Email ︎︎︎Instagram

2021 by Verena Michels / Vlasta Kubušová, Berlin / Bratislava